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Image by Spenser Sembrat


Improve your  Customer Satisfaction 

World-class customer-centric brand? Elevate your network with continuous NPS scoring, area-specific service quality correlation, and NPS map representation. Streamline operations and stay ahead with real-time data at your fingertips.

Technical service delivery accounts for 20-30% of the customer satisfaction.

Emoji Balloons

Many service providers struggle with the growing complexity of maintaining long-term customer satisfaction. This requires increased efforts to sustain positive trends. Traditionally, technical delivery and service accounted for 20-30% of NPS scoring* when measuring customer satisfaction, but conventional methods struggle to generate actionable insights to enhance network and service quality, let alone assess subscribers' perceptions.

In contrast, Subtonomy's Active NPS revolutionizes the Customer Experience Index (CEI) by monitoring subscribers' real-time experiences, presenting them through user-friendly maps, and offering insights into the impact of various technical KPIs on subscriber satisfaction. This not only aids in comprehending ongoing network experiences but also facilitates the monitoring of the effects of network improvements or issues.

 *Svenskt Kvalitets Index: Mobiloperatörer 2020.

Monitoring customer perception of Network and Service Quality

Advanced analytics

NPS mapped out and correlated to CS, PS and paging issues to provide means to plan network enhancements and improve the NPS score accordingly.

The visualizes map an overview for the entire network and lets the user zoom into to cluster and all the way to a specific cell level and filter on NPS scoring.

Continiuous NPS scoring reports

Weekly overall NPS scoring and collection volume showing detractors (red), neutral (yellow) and promoter (green).

NPS scoring visualized on a map

NPS mapped out and correlated to CS, PS and paging issues to provide means to plan network enhancements and improve the NPS score accordingly.

NPS service quality correlation

NPS correlated with Service Quality (CS, PS and Paging) showing how well NPS scoring follows network service quality such as location, coverage and device.

Active NPS: Real-time insights into

customer satisfaction

Unlock the potential of your telecom operations with our NPS analysis tools, offering you a deeper understanding of your customer satisfaction. From weekly NPS scoring to correlations with critical metrics like CS, PS, and paging issues, our platform empowers you to make informed decisions that drive network enhancements and elevate NPS scores. Dive into the details and discover how NPS correlates with service quality, including factors like location, coverage, and device performance. 

Weekly Service Quality reporting

In the ActiveNPS overview tab a compiled status of service quality KPI scores are presented.


Weekly overall NPS scoring and collection volume showing; Detractor in red scoring 0-6, Neutral in yellow scoring 7-8 and Promoter in green scoring 9-10.

Insights in the details

CS / PS and paging problems are visual in a split view correlated to different NPS scores as well as sites and devices.

Image by Noorulabdeen Ahmad

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Correlate NPS with

service quality

With ActiveNPS application is possible to measure the correlation between the actual service delivery and the perceived quality of service. By continuously sending out SMS to pinpointed or randomly selected customers, the perceived service delivery can be measured and followed continuously for a longer period of time, to plan improvements. For example, this can be helpful in identified areas to measure the perceived service delivery before and after a network improvement work in that particular area.


With ActiveNPS application you can correlate the subscriber's subjective NPS scoring with objective service quality KPIs, the subscriber's location, coverage and device. identify what technical KPIs that have the most (and the least)  effect on the subscribers NPS scoring.

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